

Unknown error (Group)Url

Since the previous release, an unknown error could occur during article import when reading a (Group)Url if it contains the following content:
1. 0
2. a formula
3. a correct link but without http(s):// in front of it
In this release, this is solved as it worked before: the software puts http:// in front of it.
For the first two items this will lead to invalid Urls. Urls are however regularly checked automatically by our Url-checker and invalid Urls are then set to inactive. This means that they are no longer shown on, for example, the Article Detail page point 8. They are also no longer exported, for example in the export format webshop.xml version 3.1.
A supplier can use this export to check whether any urls have been rejected (see the column "IsActive").

Unknown error due to double import name

In occasional cases, it may occur that the import name of a reference occurs twice. This caused an unknown error in the article import. As of this release, this will result in a clear error message.