


Import articles

Articles can be delivered using an Excel file, which can be imported into EZ-catalog.
Especially larger import files can cause problems: they run for hours and hamper other tasks. In addition, our platform is being used more and more intensively. Therefore, in this release a next step has been taken to optimise the article import.
Previously, for each article import, modifications were stored in the database, to be found under Assortment, Modifications:
After double-clicking on an article group, the following screen opened, showing what had been changed, added or deleted in this article group:
This screen was also accessible from Manage article group:
and from the formalize screen:
Verder was het mogelijk om in de workflow met de rechtermuisknop het wijzigingenscherm te benaderen:
When importing articles, keeping track of the changes was a big delaying factor. Moreover, it was little used. Therefore, this part of the software has been removed and the above options are no longer available from this release.
For checking an article import, the pre-check was built in some time ago. This is a report that offers the possibility of checking prior to the article import what will be added, changed or deleted if the choice is made to import this article file. This can, for example, prevent the articles in the database from being unintentionally depleted.
Compare with last import
When importing articles, the option existed to compare the import with the previous import instead of with the article data present in the database.
This option was also little used but did slow down the article import. Therefore, this part has also been removed from the software and this option is no longer available as of this release.


Every night, changes made in EZ-catalog are synchronised to EZ-web. Lately it happened that this synchronisation was not fully executed due to an error in article grouping (caused by merging or separating of article groups). This has been solved in this release.

Expansion of synonym import

Import of synonyms has been extended with metadata of the classification:
This could previously only be entered per classification:
It could already be exported.
Click here to see what the import format looks like.