

Embedding publications
It is possible to embed Publications available on EZ-web on one's own website.
As of the previous release, it is possible to have links in an embedded publication automatically redirected via EZ-web to a URL to be determined by the embedding party.
In specific cases the redirection did not work correctly, which has been adjusted in this release.
Webshop.xml 3.1
In the URLs to Publications in webshop.xml version 3.1 a small adjustment has been made.
An example of how the URL was:
<Asset position="9" type="Catalog" category="6">
             <Description>A.S.F. Fischer</Description>
It is no longer necessary to include Download=True&Search=True& in the URL because this is now the default setting when opening a publication.
Therefore, from this release onwards, the URL will look like this:
<Asset position="9" type="Catalog" category="6">
             <Description>A.S.F. Fischer</Description>

The default setting can always be overridden by using Download=False&Search=False& in the URL.